Thrift Regulation

Precomment Draft and Stakeholder Webinar Notice: 7 TAC Chapters 51 and 52 Rule Review
The Department of Savings and Mortgage Lending (SML or the Department) is considering changes to...

Search Committee and FY2022 Assessments
At the August Finance Commission meeting, Will Lucas, President/CEO of Shelby Savings Bank, and Chairman of...

Proposed New Rule and Repeal of 7 TAC §76.95
The Department of Savings and Mortgage Lending (Department) is considering a new rule and the...

Notice of Precomment Draft and Stakeholders Webinar – 7 TAC §76.95
The Department of Savings and Mortgage Lending (SML or the Department) is considering a new rule and the repeal of 7 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §76.95, concerning Fee...

Third and Fourth Quarter Assessments
SML will not be collecting third and fourth quarter assessments for FY21. The significant growth...

Texas Bankers Association ATM Crime Task Force Report
In the late summer and fall of 2020, TBA began to receive an increasing number...

Notice of Precomment Draft and Stakeholder Webinar
The Department of Savings and Mortgage Lending (SML or the Department) is considering amendments to...

Assessments – First Quarter Fiscal Year 2021
On August 21, 2020, the Finance Commission adopted amendments to 7 TAC §76.98 Annual Fee...